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    Four Keys to Mobile SEO Success


      All internet searches are not created equal. When it comes to the web, there’s a huge difference between mobile search and desktop search.
      The definition of mobile search is using a web-enabled mobile device (such as a feature phone, smartphone, or media tablet) to query a search engine using a relevant word or phrase.
      Since around 74 percent of mobile users will utilize a search engine when making purchases and other influential decisions, it’s important to understand how to utilize mobile SEO.
      Here are four essential practices to focus on to ensure your mobile SEO success.
      Have a Mobile Friendly Site
      Having a mobile optimized site is fundamental to a successful mobile SEO strategy, considering that smartphone traffic has increased 125 percent in the last year.
      If your website is hard to read and difficult to use, it will cause your visitors to “bounce,” or leave your site immediately. Having a mobile optimized site will ensure that your visitors stay engaged, and visitor engagement has a direct impact on your search engine ranking. Keeping customers on your site will also increase the opportunity for generating leads.
      Speed Up Your Load Time
      Another factor that can make or break your visitor’s mobile experience is your page load time. Google wants mobile pages to load in one second or less to deliver a positive experience and keep visitors engaged. Anything more than a second disrupts the flow of thought.
      Because of this, it is essential that your page load speeds are as fast as possible. While it isn’t clear how much of a direct impact page load time has on rankings, Google stresses its importance because of user experience, which is definitely good for rankings.
      Understand Mobile-User Intent
      Your SEO strategy should always focus around what your audience wants and needs. with that being said, it’s important to understand that the wants and needs of mobile users are often different than those of a desktop user.
      For example, smartphone users (who are generally on the go) will tend to look for something local and will have a high purchase intent. A business can take advantage of this information by making their physical address(es), hours of operation, and contact information readily available to mobile searchers and prioritizing these elements on their mobile site. Google + Business listings are also a plus.
      Don’t Forget Voice Search
      Thanks to Siri and other voice-activated means of searching the web, it is no longer enough to simply combine keywords with a location.
      For example, when performing a voice search on a smart phone, someone might ask “where is the nearest dentist?” rather than typing in “dentists in south florida.” These search results are determined based on the mobile user’s location, so it’s imperative to make sure that your SEO strategy promotes your office location. Your SEO keywords need to focus on what kind of questions might be asked rather that what terms will be searched for.
      Keeping these tactics in mind can significantly increase your ranking in mobile searches. In the end, your mobile SEO and desktop SEO should go hand in hand as a complete strategy. Customers should be able to find you and your business and should be provided with a great user experience no matter which device they use.

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