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    Free Google Alerts Alternatives


      Seems like just the other day everyone was wailing about the demise of Google Reader and offering lists of alternatives. I went with Feedly and love it.
      Now we’re discovering that another Google product, Alerts, is broken. A recent Forbes article, lays it out:

      …as has been rumored for months, the very simple tool — which sends “email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries” and which the company has touted as an excellent way to manage your online identity — is broken.

      Google’s response?
      “[Y]ou’re right, we’re having some issues with Alerts not being as comprehensive as we’d like.”
      Before Google disregards its faithful users again and chucks another beloved product, here are a couple alternatives to consider.
      1. Talkwalker Alerts – This services markets itself as “the best free and easy alternative to Google Alerts.” Doesn’t get more direct than than. Their form for creating alerts mirrors Google Alerts.

      Like Google Alerts, Talkwalker Alerts allows you to monitor the web for new content about your name, brand, competitors, events or favorite topics and get alerts delivered to your inbox or RSS reader. I’ve recently started using Talkwalker Alerts and it’s my favorite alternative.
      2. Mention – Also branding itself as a Google Alerts alternative, Mention is another good option. It lets you create alerts on your name, your brand, your industry and your competitors across social networks, news sites, forums, blogs or any web page. Get alerts via push notifications on your Android or iOS device or via a daily or weekly email digest. They offer free and paid plans.
      I was going to include Social Mention but their alerts feature is disabled and promises to be up in a week so check back then. They offer an advanced search form across blogs and comments, 80+ social media properties, bookmarks, events, images, video and audio, and assigns a “strength,” “passion,” or “sentiment” designation to search results.
      Google Alerts stopped delivering for me more than a year ago and I’ve relied mostly on Twitter searches and lists which have proved adequate. Much more than adequate is any of these two Google Alerts alternatives.
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