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    Read and Tweet Later on Your Mac with Pocket and Buffer Apps


      Two of my favorite apps just got hitched – Pocket the app that saves great content to read later, and Buffer, the app that lets you schedule that content to post on the social media channels including Twitter and Facebook.

      Available on mobile devices, these apps now offer the convenience of reading and posting from your desktop as well with one click.

      Pocket for Mac

      Pocket is one of the best read-it-later apps for saving content – articles, videos and images-from a browser, Twitter, Flipboard, and other applications, to read later on your phone or tablet. It now comes in a Mac flavor allowing you to read articles from within the app on your computer as well.

      Called the ‘DVR for the web’, the Pocket for Mac desktop app automatically syncs across your phone, tablet and computer so you can view it any time, even without an internet connection.

      Buffer App

      Buffer lets you schedule the great content you find to a range of social media channels. Simply fill up your Buffer at your convenience or as you come across interesting pieces to share and Buffer will automatically post your updates throughout the day. Simply keep your Buffer topped up to have a consistent social media presence all day round, all week long.

      Pocket + Buffer

      Pocket for Mac comes with full Buffer integration for a seamless viewing of saved content, and a one-click social sharing experience. When viewing an item that you saved to Pocket, just click on the sharing icon to add to your Buffer’d content for sharing on the social channels, including Twitter, Facebook, and even Evernote.

      As if Pocket for Mac wasn’t awesome enough, the full Buffer integration means that keeping a full Buffer at all times is easier than ever before. Any item you save for later in your Pocket, you can now easily also add to your Buffer.

      Two terrific apps have integrated and extended functionality to provide for a time-saving, seamless way to consume and share information. Check it out!

      App Of The Week: Read It Later Is Now Pocket, Your DVR For The Web
      App Of The Week: Schedule And Manage Your Tweets With Buffer IPhone App
      6 Free Tools To Organize Your Digital Life

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