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    Starting a Law Practice using Mind Maps


      One of the best ways to boost your legal productivity, aside from using dedicated legal productivity software, is to embrace mind maps. We keep revisiting mind maps in our posts because they’re one of the most powerful collaboration and brainstorming tools we use here at Rocket Matter for all aspects of our operations.

      Carolyn Elefant of MyShingle and I were recently speaking, and she mentioned her love of mind mapping as well.  In fact, she put one together for starting a law firm! I took a look, and she used the same tool I did, MindMeister, to put together a stunning, easy-to-read, and informative summary of how to hang your own shingle.

      View the “Starting a Law Firm” mind map at MindMeister.  The image below shows just a couple of nodes on this comprehensive map!

      Starting a Law Firm Mind Map

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