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    Rocket Matter’s Legal Productivity is Among the ABA Journal’s Web 100 “Best Law Blogs”


      ABA Journal's Web 100 Best Law Blogs

      We at Legal Productivity take a lot of pride in our work. We always strive to produce content that lawyers will both learn from and enjoy. We fact-check our articles. We cover timely, important news and analyze how it affects attorneys around the world.
      And now, it seems our hard work and dedication to good journalism has paid off.
      The ABA Journal has included Rocket Matter’s Legal Productivity blog in their Web 100. This honor features 50 blogs, 25 law podcasts, and 25 tweeters that they recommend lawyers follow—and Legal Productivity was dubbed one of the “Best law blogs” around.
      So why were we chosen? Apparently our readers wrote in and spoke highly of our Freedom Fighter series and our 10 Minute Law Firm podcast. They appreciate that our blog features posts on how lawyers can get organized, leverage technology, and market their firms. We’ve also recently covered everything from sexual harassment in the legal industry and how lawyers can help veterans to productivity in associates and how to write the perfect business email.
      We thank the ABA Journal for this honor.

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