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    ForbesAdvisor - The Best Legal Billing Software Of 2022

    What to Do When a Client is Unable to Pay Their Legal Bill

      payment plans for law firms for clients who can't pay bills

      One of the toughest things about running a small law firm is getting paid.  Don’t get us wrong: most clients are wonderful and pay on time, but unfortunately timely and full payment doesn’t always happen.

      Furthermore, no one likes to have tough conversations with clients we’re helping through a major life crisis – especially when we know how much additional strain financial conversations cause.

      Even if you have a superstar bookkeeper who has the time and skill to track down every cent, the fact is that some people simply don’t have cash on hand.

      With Rocket Matter, lawyers can easily set up payment plans to automatically bill their clients a manageable payment at regular intervals. You can accept payment through credit cards or directly through the bank (ACH), giving your clients flexibility so they can pay their bills in full.

      You can charge clients a monthly amount, or carve up that bill into manageable weekly or daily morsels.  Rocket Matter does the rest: We automatically charge your client, keep your ledgers updated, and make your life a whole lot easier.

      If you’d like to see more, you can schedule a FREE demonstration with one of our legal practice management experts!

      Schedule a FREE demo of rocket matter

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