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    How Lawyers Can Recharge Physically, Emotionally, and Socially (Webinar)


      Legal WebinarsAs an attorney, you have endless responsibilities and obligations, difficult cases and challenging clients. In the midst of all this, it is easy to forget that you are only human; and while you may possess many intellectual super powers; your emotions, your physical being, and your social life can get overwhelmed and depleted.
      Taking care of yourself: physically, emotionally, and socially is vitally important and is the foundation to maintaining your intellectual super powers in the courtroom and with clients; at times like these, you need the benefits of Uncommon Counsel.
      When: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
      Speaker: Katherine Bender, Ph.D. Programming Director, The Dave Nee Foundation
      Click here to register!
      Learn how to recognize and respond to the signs and symptoms that you may be running low on emotional, physical and social energy. Learn what steps you can take to recharge and why you need not be a super hero. What’s more, you will also learn how to recognize the signs of physical, emotional and social distress in your colleagues and clients and learn how to proactively support them. We are not in this alone and your fellow attorneys know intimately the pressures of the job, whether you work in Big Law, are a solo practitioner or a public interest attorney, learn how to practice healthy self-care, client-care, and colleague-care!
      About the Speaker:
      After graduating from Georgetown University as an English and Theology major, Katherine Bender decided to pursue a degree in community counseling. As part of her Masters degree in counseling, she began working as a full time mental health counselor for college students. Kate successfully completed her doctoral program in 2013 with a P.H.D in Counseling, Counselor Education & Supervision.
      Kate became Programming Director of the Dave Nee Foundation in 2013. In this role, she leads the Uncommon Counsel program and LawLifeline. She sees her role with the Dave Nee Foundation as an excellent way to continue to provide outreach services and to raise awareness about depression, anxiety, and suicide prevention for higher education students.

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