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    Techshow Week: Win Snuggies, T-Shirts, and Cows in the Rocket Matter Scavenger Hunt


      As promised, we at Rocket Matter brought a lot of primo schwag to give away here at ABA Techshow. We were excited to see some envelope-pushing schwag (and also some schwag disasters).

      Today, we’re giving away 2 Snuggies, 7 T-shirts, an enormous cardboard cow, and our most creative schwag, a pen with our logo on it. To win the shwag today, we’re trying something novel: an ABA Techshow Scavenger Hunt.

      We’re giving away our primo schwag in the order people complete the hunt. Here’s what you gotta do:

      1) Send out a tweet that says “I’m participating in the @rocketmatter #scavengerhunt at ABA #techshow! Please RT!”
      2) Find Adriana and have her autograph a picture of herself.
      3) Take your picture with Finis Price III. Post a link to the photo on Twitter with the tweet “Met @technoesq as part of @rocketmatter’s #techshow #scavengerhunt”.
      4) Procure a speaker ribbon from a name tag.
      5) Get a pen from the makers of Time Matters.

      Bring all items to our booth by 3:30PM today. First come, first served!

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