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    Wednesday Wisdom: Moving a Matter to Another Client


      Editing matters in Rocket Matter is quick and easy. One common change that you can make with just a few clicks is assigning a matter to a different client. From the Edit Matter screen, you can easily make some other housekeeping changes, such as adjusting user access levels and changing the billing method.


      To move a matter over to a different client:

      1. Navigate to that Matter Dashboard and click Edit Matter, the pencil icon at the end of the matter name.

      2. Erase the current client’s name, in the Client Field and begin typing the new name. The new client’s name will automatically populate in the field and will replace the old one.

      3. The new client can be a person or company, but must be in your Rocket Matter contact list currently. Click OK to save and your change is now live.

      Some other common edits available in the Edit Matter screen include:

      • Changing billing method from hourly to flat fee or contingency
      • Setting new custom billing rates for yourself and others working on the matter
      • Setting or adjusting matter level access permissions, which control which users can view and add to the matter
      • Marking the matter complete or closed

      Your matters can be edited at any time, as your client profile or staffing needs change. For more information on utilizing the Edit Matter screen, check out our Rocket Matter FAQs. 

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