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    New Evernote Update Great for Bloggers


      Evernote, the terrific note taking and information storing application is a useful tool for many things including blogging. You can use it as an Ideas File for Your Blog Posts, and to Increase Your Blogging Productivity.

      The new Evernote for Mac update, full of new features and redesigned screens adds even more functionality for bloggers and writers in general.

      Word Count

      I’ve been asking for this for awhile. If you blog or write articles for publications, there’s usually a word or character count requirement (or limit for the verbose). I start my blogging process in Evernote, scanning the dozens of ideas and links I’ve stored there (and add to just about every day). Then I open a new note and start writing. Then edit down. Before the update I would guesstimate the number of words which were confirmed only after I transferred the text to WordPress blogging platform with its built in counter. No mas! Evernote for Mac now has word and character count totals for each note.

      Image viewer

      For some posts, finding the right image or creating and editing an image can take almost along as writing the darn post. Why go through the trouble? Try sharing an image-less post on Pinterest. Not cute. So like blog post ideas, I drag images into Evernote (with the proper attribution information if required). The old thumbnail for viewing my notebook of images was OK but the new Card View is beautiful and I can see all of my images and information at a glance.

      Other improvements include:

      • The ability to easily save all attachments from a note or group of notes into a folder on your computer. This is good for shifting multiple images to your desktop to crop and edit.
      • Support for switching between accounts – If you have a shared work account and a more private personal account, you can now switch between them.
      • Keyboard shortcuts for date stamps – CMD+Shift+D for date, and CMD+Shift+Option+D for time

      And more.

      Evernote, of course, syncs across devices and the already excellent iPhone app got even better with redesigned, cleaner notes and information screens along with new text styling.

      If you write articles, books, or blog posts and haven’t tried Evernote, give it a spin for a more streamlined experience and see your productivity increase.

      Resources from the Blogosphere For Lawyers and Evernote
      Legal Productivity Tech Tutorial- Evernote it!
      5 Helpful Blogs about Blogging for Lawyers

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