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    In Case You Missed It: Rocket Matter’s April Webinar “20 Minutes Can Change Your Life”


      rocket matter, legal billing software, legal practice management softwareJust in case you missed our outstanding April webinar, entitled “20 Minutes Can Change Your Life”, featuring Nora Riva Bergman, you’re in luck. We are happy to provide you with a quick and easy overview.

      Based on the title, you may be thinking that you can do something special to change your life, in 20 minutes a day. Actually, it’s what you don’t do that can add time back to your work life in 20 minute increments.

      As strange as that sounds, it’s actually pretty simple. According to Winifred Galagher, and the study Attention and the Focused Life, the human brain can take up to 20 minutes to recover from each and every interruption you encounter during a typical work day. Imagine you are completely engaged, on billable time, composing a lengthly letter. Then imagine you get interrupted by a colleague inquiring about happy hour this Friday.

      You have just disengaged completely from the task at hand and your brain can easily take up to 20 minutes to recover. Now imagine this scenario played out 3 times per day, with various small interruptions. Imagine what that can do to your work day. How about your work week? What can you accomplish in an extra hour per day? If you’re completely focused, it can be an awful lot.

      For more good information on why you cannot manage time, you can only manage yourself, simply click here for a quick glance at the webinar slides in an easy to read PDF document. Spend just a few minutes on this and find out how you can help make up for lost time. Also stay tuned for updates on our upcoming webinars. For more information on how to get more from your workday, click below for our free E-book on legal productivity!

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