Powerful Legal Project Management Software for Law Firms

Simplify Your Law Firm with Easy-to-Use Legal Practice Management Software 

With Rocket Matter’s legal project management software tools, your practice will be more efficient than ever before. You’ll also have the task management features to stay on budget, track team projects and tasks more proficiently, create a better experience for your clients, and ensure predictability and consistency within your firm.

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Stevie Winner for Sales & Customer Support Since 2015

Unleashing the Power of Legal Project Management

In the fast-paced world of legal services, efficient project management is not just a luxury — it’s a necessity. Legal firms of all sizes are constantly seeking ways to enhance productivity, improve collaboration, and ensure seamless workflow management — which is where Rocket Matter’s state-of-the-art legal project management software steps in, providing a comprehensive solution tailored to the unique needs of legal professionals.

Tailored for Legal Excellence

Our software understands the intricate needs of legal professionals. From case management to document collaboration, time tracking, and task management, our features are designed to enhance every facet of your legal practice. We understand that one size doesn’t fit all in the legal world, and Rocket Matter’s legal project management software reflects this by allowing you to customize workflows to match your firm’s unique processes. This adaptability ensures that your firm’s identity and methodologies are preserved while benefiting from the efficiency and organization our software provides. Whether you are a boutique practice or a large legal enterprise, our software adapts to your needs, providing a personalized experience that enhances your workflow.

Centralized Collaboration

In the legal realm, collaboration is not just important but necessary. Traditional methods often lead to siloed communication and information gaps, hindering the efficient progress of cases. Our legal project management software addresses this challenge by facilitating centralized collaboration. Attorneys, paralegals, and support staff can work together seamlessly on cases, share documents, and communicate in real time — creating a culture of transparency and teamwork, essential for success in today’s legal landscape.

Revolutionizing Legal Time Tracking Rocket Matter Track Makes Billable Hours Effortless

Legal Project Management Tools Take Your Law Firm’s Throughput to the Next Level

Maximize efficiency, productivity, and client satisfaction with streamlined workflows.

Kanban Workflow
  • Create Phases
    Transition between separate phases of a case. Each phase can contain its own calendar calculations, custom data, and tasks, allowing you create status updates and improved document management.
  • Keep Track of Your Matters
    By breaking your complex caseload into easier workable stages with repeatable tasks, you have a more complete picture of your true costs. Our sophisticated expense management reporting shows you how many claims and investigations there are and in which phase of completion, including which issues are on schedule, and those overdue projects and tasks.

Kanban Boards- A MUST for Legal Project Management

Visualize your cases and maximize efficiency with Kanban boards, one of the most simple but powerful legal project management software features.

  • Visualize All Your Matters
    See the bigger picture and monitor how your cases are progressing. View the total days a matter has been in its current status to pinpoint any areas that are causing bottlenecks.
  • Customize Your Kanban Boards
    The available columns (or “swim lanes”) represent the statuses that have been set by your law firm, and each card represents a matter within a specific status.
  • Drag and Drop to Change Case Status
    Change the status of your cases by simply dragging and dropping matter cards into their appropriate swim lanes.

The Legal Project Management Process

Legal project management thrives on a process that streamlines legal workflows. Adherence to these steps enables legal professionals to navigate complexities, fostering efficiency and success in a dynamic legal landscape.


number-1 (3) (4)

Define Scope

Clearly outline the objectives, tasks, and deliverables of the legal matter. Understanding the scope ensures that all team members are on the same page and helps prevent scope creep, keeping the project focused and efficient.

number-2 (3) (1)

Establish Project Plan

This involves creating a roadmap that outlines tasks, timelines, and responsibilities. A well-crafted project plan guides the entire legal team, providing direction and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals.

number-3 (2) (1)

Conduct Legal Matters

Execution is key. Carry out the legal matters according to the established project plan. This phase involves implementing the strategies and tasks outlined, collaborating with team members, and leveraging the legal project management tools to streamline workflows and maintain accountability.

number-4 (2) (1)

Review Process and Outcome

Assess whether the tasks were executed according to plan and evaluate the overall efficiency and effectiveness. A thorough review allows for continuous improvement, enabling the legal team to learn from each project and enhance their approach in future matters.

Have Questions? We Have Answers.

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Get Your Team Started with Rocket Matter's Legal Project Management Software Features Today!

Embrace the Future of Legal Project Management. In the competitive legal landscape, staying ahead requires more than just legal expertise — it demands efficient project management. Rocket Matter’s legal project management software is not just a tool; it’s a strategic partner in your firm’s success. Elevate your practice, boost efficiency, and foster collaboration with a solution tailored for legal excellence. Embrace the future of legal project management and position your firm at the forefront of innovation and success.

More Practice Management Included with Rocket Matter:

contact management

Case Management


Document Automation




File Sharing & eSignature

Trusted by Law Firms Since 2008 for Unparalleled Product & Service


"Overall, my experience with Rocket Matter has been very successful in navigating through the website and it is pretty self explanatory which helps when training new employees comes up. The ease in using this software makes working to track time spent on cases flawless."

brittany grey

Brittany Grey
The Peterson Law Firm

"Rocket Matter has been excellent for our firm and it allows us to maintain excellent billing practices while maintaining everything in an organized fashion."
peter Cruice

Peter Cruice
Sinsheimer & Associates

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