5 Helpful Blogs about Blogging for Lawyers
I’ve come across a few posts recently recommending great blogs about blogging. Like 10 Amazing Blogs About Blogging to Start Reading NOW and 10 Terrific Creative Writing Blogs. Missing from these lists are the very helpful blogs about the art of blogging that are geared towards lawyers. Blogs come and go, including blogs about blogging. Here are five that have stayed the course:
1. Real Lawyers Have Blogs – the leader of the pack, authored by the passionate Kevin O’keefe is a must read for blogging, social media, online engagement and trends in the legal profession.
2. Legal Practice Pro – Straight talk from Jay Fleischman about online legal marketing, including blogging. Check out his free WordPress (my favorite blogging platform) setup and installation.
3. Law Firm Web Strategy – This is the blogging arm of Stem, a web development, publishing and strategy company for the legal profession. A helpful feature is their WordPress Wednesday tips.
4. Law, Technology and Legal Marketing Blog – This blog from Justia focuses on marketing and technology, including social media, and also offers up legal blogging tips and advice.
5. Lawyerist – Among the range of topics that this collaborative blog covers is blogging. Click on the Blogging tag to bring up useful posts from a variety of blawgers.
Any others?
(image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kuribo/137951057)
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