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    Our First Client Dishes on Taking a Chance on a Startup 10 Years Ago


      Rocket Matter's first client- Peter Sosin

      Recently, we kicked off our 10th anniversary celebrating by honoring Rocket Matter’s first client, Peter Sosin. Peter is the founder and managing partner of Sosin Law, PLLC. Here, he explains why he took a chance on a start-up software company that was the first of its kind. He also shares tips on how to run a more successful, profitable firm:
      Rocket Matter was the first cloud-based product of its kind. What made you want to use software no one had ever used before?
      First, I met the founder, Larry Port, and he was so smart and enthusiastic about the product. I trusted him. Also, I’m a fan of innovation and doing things in a better way, and that was exactly what Rocket Matter (which we called “The Product” back then) seemed to do. When you are running your own business you don’t have a lot of time. So if there was something that could save time and help my firm run more efficiently, I wanted to try it.
      Were you nervous about transitioning to the cloud?
      No. At first, I always did a paper backup—I’d write out my time on a legal pad. So I knew we were covered. However, once I saw that Rocket Matter was humming along smoothly, I stopped doing such backups. Now my entire practice is in the cloud—including regular backups. I think the cloud is the greatest thing ever.
       You’ve been a successful solo attorney for years. What practices in general help your firm stay productive and thriving?
      The most important thing I’ve learned in 19 years of practice is not to hang on to bad clients.  There’s a saying that 90% of your aggravation comes from 10% of your clients. So I got rid of that 10% and my stress levels have plummeted. Bad clients only slow you down and make you unhappy. Of course, that’s tough to do when you’re starting out and you don’t have a lot of work. I used to take such toxic clients, but once I purged my practice of them, I’ve been a lot more successful.
      Which of Rocket Matter’s features have been the most helpful for you?
      Rocket Matter constantly rolls out new features. They are always innovating and looking for better way to do things, which is why I went with them in first place.
      There are tons of features that have helped me, but the mobile app in particular was a life-saver. In past, if I were out of the office, I had to email myself reminders to bill for things. Sometimes I’d be super-busy and I’d forget and lose that time. Now I just add the time on the spot on my phone.
      I also capture a lot more time thanks to Rocket Matter’s multiple timers and billing features. And I love the fact that Rocket Matter lets me modify bills before they go out. If you make mistake on a bill, that client will never forget it and will scrutinize everything you do.
      So many competitors have come and gone. Why do you think Rocket Matter has stood the test of time?
      Leadership. Companies are only good as the people running it, and as CEO, Larry Port is a critical part of Rocket Matter’s success. He is innovative and has great foresight. He’s also constantly trying to improve Rocket Matter. He’s humble enough that he actually listens to and acts on customers’ input and he never stops looking for better ways to do things. That’s why the company has been a leader for ten years.

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