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    An iPhone Walks Into a Bar and Says, “You Got Any Grapes?”


      So an iPhone walks into a bar and says, “You got any grapes?”

      Bartender says, “We don’t have grapes here.  We have beer, whiskey, and wine.  Now get outta here.”

      Next day the iPhone comes back to the bar and says, “You got any grapes?”

      Bartender says, “Listen iPhone, I told you yesterday.  We don’t have grapes, just beer, whiskey, and wine.  Leave.”

      Third day in a row, the iPhone comes back to the bar and again asks, “You got any grapes?”

      Bartender says, “iPhone, iHad it with ya.  Like I says, we only got beer, whiskey, and wine.  You come in here again asking for grapes and I’m gonna drive a nail right through your precious little touch screen into the bar.”

      Fourth day, the iPhone walks into the bar and says, “You got any nails?”

      Bartender says “No.”

      iPhone says, “Good!  You got any grapes?”

      Nyuck nyuck nyuck!

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