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    Another Reason to Put Down the Smartphone : You Could Get Sued


      This may sound odd, especially coming from an employer, but I’ve always had a special little place in my heart for the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and overtime violation law. Reason being is that the fine folks at Shavitz Law, who focus on FLSA in South Florida, hosted Rocket Matter in their offices as we designed and built out the product.

      And here’s another reason why I’m now a fan: FSLA might encourage people to put down their smartphones when they’re not at the office. Apparently, checking your email while not at the office might give rise to overtime claims.

      Readers of this blog and anyone who’s seen me speak about living “responsibly connected” know how I feel about the smartphone leash. Based on evidence as well as my own personal struggle, I maintain that excessive and compulsive smartphone checking results in more traffic accidents, increased anxiety, interference with family time, and decreased work-life balance.

      Now it looks like the courts may actually back me up!

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