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    7 Content Generating Tips for Niche Blogging Lawyers


      Anyone can blog, but not everyone devotes the time and effort it takes to run a useful, successful blog. Some write just to unburden themselves – blogging as therapy, if you will. Others write because they have something unique to share.
      It’s easy for lawyers to identify a blogging niche: an area of practice, like tax law, family law, or, more narrowly, corporate tax, or divorce. This allows lawyers to establish themselves as experts, gain trust, and be discovered by potential clients, other lawyers, even the press.
      Here are a few content generating tips for the niche blogging lawyer:
      1. Answer client questions – Let the myriad questions during meetings and email correspondence work for you. Each question is fodder for a potential blog post.
      2. Go deep on topics from question and answer sites like Avvo and Quora – Discover a treasure trove of topics to write about on Q&A sites. Expand on related topics on your blog.
      3. Social Media – Join LinkedIn groups. Ask question, provide answers to others. Start or join a Twitter conversation. Engage on Facebook Pages. Add to the conversation, then discuss in a blog post.
      4. Repurpose presentations – Break presentation slides and materials down into a series of blog posts.
      5. Technology and tools – Share tips on the tools you use to run your practice. This may lead to guest posts on other blogs and speaking gigs.
      6. Subscribe to other blogs – Use an RSS feed like Feedly to subscribe to blogs and news sites that cover your topics of interest. Write about current events involving your practice area and issues affecting your potential clients.
      7. Leverage Google Analytics – Every blog should have the free and powerful Google Analytics installed. Under the “Traffic Sources” tab, check out the keywords that your visitors searched to land on your site. Add the keywords and phrases to your blog post ideas file.
      As Kevin O’Keefe notes in Niches lead to riches in legal blogsophere, it’s a lot easier for a lawyer to establish a word of mouth reputation as an authority by marketing to a niche than marketing as a generalist.
      10 Lessons From 5 Years Of Legal Blogging
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