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    Email Marketing: Surprising Insight Lawyers Can Use


      Email is one of the tools we use regularly to engage our own community. We periodically inform folks about our new features, our fun promotions, and other information that we think is valuable to our subscribers. We also put out a popular newsletter.

      Email marketing is also a tactic that our lawyers and law firms are exploring more and more, especially given its relative low cost and – when done properly – good success rate.

      The general topic of “email marketing” is massive, and there is no shortage of advice and information out there to review.  Unfortunately a lot of email marketing literature is subjective: “unicorns and rainbows.” It’s often very high-level, “feel good” type advice.

      Our friends over at HubSpot took a different approach on the topic and addressed it in a more persuasive way: they went to the data.

      In “The Science of Email Marketing, HubSpot looked at actual data – 9.5 billion emails from MailChimp, and discovered some very interesting – sometimes counterintuitive – facts. Dan Zarella offers up some data-driven conclusions concerning matters like the best day to send emails, the best time to send emails, whether to include links, and how often to send emails. Very cool stuff.

      Also very counterintuitive.  Get this:  apparently email campaigns sent over the weekend have the best click-throughs!

      We’d love for you to share your own experiences with email marketing – especially if you have a great tip or two. Are you email marketing to your clients? What kind of tactics have you tried?  What worked – what didn’t?

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