Facebook Page Tip: How to Target Your Message to a Local Audience
More law firms, solo attorneys and legal related entities are creating their own Facebook Page to engage and foster community [We have one too!]. But like any other social media platform, managing it can be a drain on your most precious resource: Time. Especially considering the many changes Facebook enforces upon us, so when we come across a tip, we like to share it.
Here’s the process of how narrow a specific status update to a particular geographic region.
We’re putting on a live program, Accelerating Your Law Firm for the 21st Century, in Boca Raton, Florida, and wanted to invite our Facebook friends in South Florida to the event without bothering the rest of the community.
On your Facebook Page, enter the URL to your post or press release about the event. Next, click on “Public”, and choose “Location/Language” from the drop-down menu.
Start typing the country in the “Enter a Country” box. In our case, “United States”. Then in the box below, enter the state.
That’s it! Your event will be broadcast only to those in the region who are able to attend without bothering the rest of your Facebook community.
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