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    Going Green: How I Bought My Prius (Macho and Mulch) Article in LTN


      Rocket Matter supports green initiatives.  Both my founding partner Ariel Jatib and I (Larry Port) are commited to energy efficiency and taking care of the air we breathe.  Even more so after having seen Avatar.

      So I jumped at the opportunity to write a green piece for Law Technology News on my decision-making process when I bought my Prius.  Thanks so much to Monica Bay at ALM for the idea and opportunity.  To be honest, I couldn’t have had worse timing with the publication date.  2010 Priuses were recalled the same week for brake issues.

      Nonetheless, take a look at the article, and we hope you might consider buying a hybrid for your next car.   If nothing else than to save a little dough.

      Reprinted with permission from the February 1 issue of Law Technology News. (c) 2010 ALM Media Properties, LLC. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.

      Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not what Fox News would exactly label a lefty, tree-hugging, egghead liberal. True, I did watch Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth and drank the Kool-Aid a bit, but not so much to completely eliminate Styrofoam and incandescent light bulbs from my life.

      But I wanted a hybrid car, a low-fuel consumption vehicle that alternates between gas and battery power. In one fell swoop, I’d not only be transferring less money to unsavory foreign petrostates, but I’d also be reducing my carbon footprint. Regardless of your politics, data is data, and there’s a correlation between increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and historically increasing global temperatures.

      I didn’t want just any hybrid, I wanted the Toyota Prius, with its great mileage. My family wasn’t completely sold on the idea, and I was plagued with nagging doubts. Compared to our minivan, it seemed small and unsafe. I always assumed that our next sedan would be bigger and more comfortable than our 2004 Acura TSX.

      Read the full article online.

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