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    How to Avoid the Black Hole of Email


      Busy people pride themselves on their multi-tasking abilities.  However, every time you make the context switch from one activity to the other, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t recognize the overhead that goes with it.

      The overhead of switching tasks can be minimal.  It might take a couple of seconds to get one’s bearings, or it can whisk away 30 minutes or more.

      Take email for example.  Let’s say you have to find some information for whatever reason.  The problem is, when you check your email, new messages come in and tug at your attention.  What began as a simple task to find out what was discussed in the last meeting quickly eats away your entire morning.

      I like using Rocket Matter messages, notes, calendars, and tasks when I can as opposed to email.  Messaging allows for private communication within the firm, so no outside interference will distract me.

      Tasks can be assigned from one person to another, tracked, and tagged, so delegation becomes manageable and searchable.  Calendar events are also tag-and-searchable, and allow people to accept and decline appointments without going to email.

      Notes, too, are tag-and-searchable and are associated with matters, so information stays tightly trapped and organized.

      Bottom line:  by keeping your information searchable and organized, and allowing you to delegate, communicate, plan, and research, a tool like Rocket Matter keeps you out of the black hole of email.  You stay focused, on task, and maintain a higher level of productivity.

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