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    How to Keep Your Facebook Info from Friends Invasive Apps


      I don’t use any third party apps on Facebook. No games, no quizzes, not even productivity apps. Apps are granted access to way too much of my information. And frankly, since Facebook does a great job of complicating things, I have enough to navigate and want to keep my experience on the platform simple and streamlined.

      But it seems like most of my friends don’t feel the same way. I’ve blocked most apps from appearing in my timeline, but blocking apps and keeping my account app free is not enough.

      Did you know that the third-party apps that your friends connect to have access to YOUR information? Here’s how you can keep that from happening.

      Go to Privacy Settings, scroll down and click on the Edit Settings link next to Apps and Websites

      Click on Edit Settings next to How people bring your info to apps they use, and uncheck all.

      Next, sleep easier.

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