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    Join Team Rocket Matter, Get a Free Shirt, and Run a Breast Cancer 5K (With Your New iWatch!)


      Join Team Rocket Matter and run some 5Ks! You’ll help us raise money for good causes, get in shape, and even earn your law firm website a little backlinking love.

      Join Team Rocket Matter, Get a Free Shirt, and Run a 5K

      Rocket Matter, the law firm software company that runs Legal Productivity, invites you to join our 5K Team. Specifically, we invite you to sign up for a breast cancer race in October.
      Run or walk a 5K race that supports a charity, breast cancer-oriented or not, and we’ll send you a Team Rocket Matter t-shirt.
      Find a race here.

      Join our team now!

      We challenge all of our partner law firms to sign up for a race in October. Send us your race registration and we will mail you a Team Rocket Matter t-shirt, and if you’re running a breast cancer race, we will also include some cool pink Rocket Matter sweatbands and headbands.
      There are a zillion reasons to run a 5K (that’s a lot of reasons). First of all it’s a good fitness goal. If you cannot run the 3.1 miles, you can walk it. Or you can find a “Couch to 5K” training schedule which will set you up with a plan for success.
      5K’s usually support good causes – a prime example being breast cancer in October. There’s a lot of races for the animals in the fall as well. So we encourage you to find a cause that you support and run a race for it.

      To participate, you need to be a Rocket Matter partner firm. That means you have to be using either Rocket Matter’s legal software or our Internet marketing services to participate.
      Next, you have to take a screenshot of (or scan) your race registration and send it to us. Once you do, that we’ll get your t-shirts sent out to you and you’ll be running your race as part of our team. Send us a picture of you on race day and we’ll post it to our site and backlink to you!
      So hit that goal that you’ve been looking for. Run that 5K and get out there and support a cause you like.

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