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    Law Firm to Clients: Sorry. We’re Closed. Buzz Off. And Stop Calling So Much.


      Wanna good read? The Pincus Family Law Group has one for ya. It’s their “Client Expectactions” page.

      In addition to some really good, hard hitting, take-no-prisoners expectation-setting for folks going through family law matters, they offer up the following informational tidbits about how they operate:

      Calling three or four or multiple times in a day will not get your call answered any faster.

      We do not work on the weekends and do not provide emergency numbers for the weekends.

      Please do not yell at us, accuse us of not doing our job, or insult us over a mistake.

      Kind of reminds me of Saturday Night Live’s Happy Fun Ball in a way:

      Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

      Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

      You thought it took some cojones to fire a client? Well how about the cojones needed to build a protective moat around your practice. As Carolyn Elefant and others have pointed out, setting expectations is one thing, but attempting to keep your clients on behavior that bests serves you over them may not work out as you expect.

      Family law clients, who are going through highly emotional, gut wrenching family situations, may pass up the Pincus Family Law Group in favor of other firms. Maybe not, though, if the attorneys are family law rock stars and there’s a velvet rope in front of the firm with a huge queue of clients waiting to get in. Or perhaps we all deep down need a little tough love ‘n’ discipline.

      In any case, it will be interesting to see how the market and economic natural selection treats Pincus Law. Do you think their expectations page is going to turn off clients? Or do you think people want a little tough love thrown their way?

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