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    Legal Productivity App Of The Week – Air Display Gives You More Screen Real Estate


      Do you remember scenes in Avatar and Minority Report with the cool computer systems? The actors were able to drag elements from a primary display onto a tablet and walk around with it.

      Well, guess what. that day is here through a product called Air Display (the software creators have no relationship with Air Supply, so they claim).

      If you’ve been running a single monitor display, you might want to take a look at it, because even the nights are better with more screen real estate.

      The idea is this: you install an agent on your Mac and then install the app on your iPhone or Tablet. When your Mac and mobile device are on the same WiFi network, you can use your mobile device as a second monitor.

      This is particularly useful for lawyers, since your case documents can be open on your iPad while your email and browser are open on your desktop or laptop. And the touchscreen is available too, so you can actually write on your desktop using Air Display.

      But check your systems first: if you look at the reviews, you’ll see some folks are all out of love for Air Display since it has compatibility problems with OS X Lion.

      However, if you’re still running Snow Leopard, this little app just might say to you: “here I am, the one that you love“.

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