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    Legal Productivity App of the Week – Rock the Airport with GateGuru


      I’ve traveled a lot this year: According to TripIt, I’ve been on the road 51 days this year, hitting 21 cities.

      In fact, I’m writing this at Gate 121 at the Orlando Airport. No joke. And I used to think to myself, “wouldn’t it be great to know the best places to eat when you’re on a layover”?

      GateGuru is a great app for navigating new airports, or even ones you’ve been to over and over again.

      You know that gamble you make – will the restaurants be better beyond security or not? GateGuru features user reviews and restaurant lists, so you can get an idea of what gastronomical options await you on the other side of the pat-down.

      GateGuru also provides estimates for security lines for the various gates at the airport, as well as maps. Users can leave general tips about the airport, such as wifi service, general cleanliness, and those kinds of things.

      Here’s a curious feature: you can “Check-in” to an airport, leading me to wonder what kind of activity evolves out of two people randomly finding each other in an airport. That’s an onion I don’t want to peel.

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