Overwhelmed? Consider Outsourcing
It’s terrific to be busy. That said, sometimes “busy” can very quickly devolve into “swamped.” You want to take care of all of your clients while ensuring that each gets the absolute best service possible, yet that clock on the wall reminds you that there are only 24 hours in a day – and you’d like to sleep for at least a few of them. Good news: Outsourcing is a trend that continues to pick up momentum, and it’s a practice that’s continuing to rapidly evolve and improve.
It’s not just for big firms, and it doesn’t necessarily mean sending work overseas. Solos and small firms can realize many benefits by outsourcing substantive legal work to qualified, independent, US-based lawyers.
However, there are a lot of common questions that come up when considering outsourcing, ranging from simple “how tos” to more complicated ethical considerations. Though more and more solos and small firms are taking advantage of outsourcing opportunities, still many others would like a bit more expert insight and guidance before trying it out.
Nationally known speaker Lisa Solomon, Esq. gives an interesting, highly practical, presentation covering what you need to know when you’re considering outsourcing. In the presentation (accredited for Florida CLE) – Lisa gives great insight on topics including:
1. The benefits of outsourcing work to a contract lawyer;
2. How to find a contract attorney to work with;
3. What a good contract lawyer should bring to the table; and
4. Ethical issues in the outsourcing relationship.
So, if you want to learn a little more about outsourcing – and continue to deliver great service to your clients while freeing up a little more of your own time – listen to Lisa’s presentation: “Why Solos and Small Law Firms Should Work With Contract Lawyers and How To Do It.”
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