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    Pinterest for the Legal Profession: Diving In


      There’s been a ton of scary stuff written about Pinterest and Lawyers so I should probably start off with saying what this post is not about. It’s not about A Lawyer Who Just Deleted All Her Pinterest Boards Out Of Fear.

      Nor is it about the terms of service and its incarnations. Many articles have covered this including Mike Hickey’s Pinterest Updates Its ‘Terms of Service’ and ‘Pin Etiquette’ over at the Sociable Lawyer blog.

      What this post is about, is diving in and using Pinterest.

      But it’s so addictive

      I have a sparse personal account where the most active board is Pinsanity – a take on all things Jeremy Lin, or #linsanity. I get quite a few email notices about folks following the board or repinning images but I’m not ready to dive into the community there just yet. Though some have told me that they find the platform addictive, I haven’t found that to be the case. Perhaps it’s because I have thriving Twitter and Facebook accounts, as many of us do. So call off the Pinterest therapy sessions.

      Are lawyers and legal professionals on there?

      Recently, marketers started extolling the virtues of the platform. I cringed everytime I saw another such post, envisioning the hoards mucking up a nice little community. But, marketing is not a bad word and having a thoughtful, non-salesy presence on the platform can help build brand recognition.

      Performing a search for “lawyers” returns a lot more boards than it did just a couple of weeks ago, so it’s starting to catch on. But remember that the platform is a place for sharing your interests beyond the law. That’s how people get to know you, to like you, to trust you, to hire you, to buy your product.

      Using Pinterest

      A few weeks ago, and with the ABA Techshow just around the corner, we decided that it was a great opportunity to dive in and test the platform. So a Rocket Matter Pinterest account was created with five boards, including one for office pets (send in pics of your little office mates if you want to be included).

      We were most excited about the ABA Techshow 2012 Board. Our plan was to go around and snap pics, mostly on the Exhibit Floor (since we were already there) and post them. Our booth turned out to be (wonderfully) slammed with activity as cloud computing took center state at this year’s Techshow, so we didn’t have as much time to go around snapping pics. But when we did, it facilitated conversation, relationship building and potential nurturing of those relationships via the pics posted on the ABA Techshow board.

      I guess the addictive part is when people start engaging, like following your pins, or boards, or liking a pin, or repinning a pin. That’s also the part that can potentially take your brand viral. Your pins will start appearing on boards across the platform, taking with them, name recognition, and links back to your account, blog or website. We’re still newbies to this community engagement on Pinterest and treading lightly so addiction hasn’t set in.

      Dive in, create a couple of boards, start pinning and expand your community, but please, stay away from the constant sales pitch.

      Do you have examples of lawyers, legal professions or those that service the legal profession using Pinterest in a meaningful way? Please share in the comments below.

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