Rocket Academy: Three New Law Firm Productivity Videos Added
Rocket Academy’s catalog of lawyer productivity and law firm growth videos reached a new milestone: 40 videos. The presentations are from industry leaders who discuss how law practice management, marketing, and technology can help law firms grow and become more efficient and productive. We just added three new videos:
1. Law Practice in the Sharing Economy
Find out what the Sharing Economy is all about, what it’s at, and where it’s going, as well as an overview of the regulatory and legal framework governing the businesses in this fascinating and fast growing industry.
Speaker: Dan Lear is a technology lawyer, facilitator, and gadfly. He is the cofounder of the Seattle Legal Technology and Innovation MeetUp, a self-styled “legal hacking” group that meets regularly to explore, identify, and implement unconventional solutions to law’s problems, big and small. He’s also blogged and written extensively about the profession and its evolution on his blog Right Brain Law and for other online and print publications. He is a member of the Washington State Bar Association’s “Future of the Profession” committee.
2. Using Your WHY to Build a Great Law Practice
Learn how to take your law firm to the next level by starting with WHY.
In this presentation, you will learn the key elements of the WHY-based business model, the importance of defining and articulating the organization’s cause or belief, building a leader-leader culture to support that cause or belief and the elements required for creating a Leader-Leader culture in support of the organization’s cause
Speaker: Christopher G. Kenny is the president of STAR Group, LLC. He helps leaders build inspired organizations of engagement and accountability by (a) helping them clarify and communicate their cause and (b) delivering best practices in the areas of People, Strategy, Execution and Cash. He is a certified business coach well as a certified WHY coach.
3. How to Secure Your iOS Devices and Keep Client Data Safe
There’s a lot more to mobile security than enabling the password on your iPhone or iPad.
Strong iOS security starts with becoming familiar with the most common threats to compromising firm data on your iPhone or iPad. While many assume they are not at risk since they are not a ‘big’ law firm, the opposite is true.
In this video you’ll discover real world scenarios that put your client’s data at risk, and steps you can take to secure your mobile device and keep your client’s data and other information safe.
Speaker: Tom Lambotte integrated his deep passion for Macs with his successful entrepreneurial skills to create GlobalMac IT which provides complete IT services to Mac-based law firms. Tom believes that compassion, mixed with technical knowledge, can successfully fulfill the business needs of his clients.
We update Rocket Academy monthly with new videos so stop by and check us out!
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