Rocket Matter Updates: Four ways to bill from your User Dashboard
Based on feedback from our Rocket Pilots, we made it a lot faster to add billable activity to your files. We added a Bill Expense link to the User Dashboard. You no longer have to navigate to a matter to bill expenses or time. Just click on the link, assign time and a matter to your item, and your information is captured!
This is especially handy for Rocket Matter iPhone users. They can easily enter time and billing on the road, from the first page after login.
In fact, from the User Dashboard, you can add billable time in four ways (also illustrated by this graphic):
- Via the “Bill Expense” link.
- Converting a To-do item into a billable item (“Bill as you Work” technology).
- Converting a Calendar event into a billable item (“Bill as you Work” technology).
- Using the Timer.
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