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    The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet – Free Investigative and Legal Research


      Any ‘internet’ book worth its salt needs to be constantly updated to remain relevant and useful. The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet by Carole A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch accomplishes this with its 12th edition.

      The Cybersleuth s Guide to the Internet is meant to be a guide to free and low cost resources for any one who needs to conduct investigative and legal research on the Internet.

      Among the useful content for lawyers are chapters on finding deleted or older versions of web pages, free investigative resources to locate people and find background information on them, finding experts, substantive legal research, and cite checking cases.

      But my favorites include chapters that appeal broadly. Like Chapter 4 on Google search tips with information on hidden features that will be revealing to even veteran Google search experts, and Chapter 15 on Governmental resources.

      The authors, Mark and Carole have also written the acclaimed Google for Lawyers(ABA), delivered countless presentations and CLEs on the topic and host the longstanding Internet for Lawyers website. I attended a CLE they did at the New York City Bar and heard them present elsewhere. These folks know what they’re talking about.

      The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet is useful for attorneys or anyone doing legal and investigative research on the web. It should also be a staple in the offices of law librarians, law firm marketers and competitive intelligence departments.

      This is a reference book, not a cover-to-cover read like Game of Thrones. Keep it on your bookshelf and refer to chapters as needed. During my law firm librarian days I purchased an earlier edition and shared it with the staff and other departments, each of whom had favorite chapters that they referred to.

      The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet is available on or directly from Internet for Lawyers.

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