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    Unusual and Useful Twitter Search and Filtering Techniques


      If you follow more than a handle of accounts, your Twitter stream can quickly become a firehose of irrelevant information. Because of this, many veteran users never visit their stream. Instead, they create lists or run saved searches. Here are a few other options to help you filter your Twitter stream for more useful, relevant, information.
      Filter by engagement – Tweets that resonate get the most retweets and favorites. Twitter has an undocumented search operator for this purpose: min_retweets and min_faves. Simply add min_retweets:number OR min_faves:number to your search. For instance, if you want to view the most popular “Access to Justice” tweets that use the hastag #a2J, enter the following search:
      #A2J min_retweets:5 OR min_faves:5
      Turn off retweets from any user – Some brands or people you follow may occasionally post useful updates, but they also like to retweet any and everything on a certain subject or tweets where they’re mentioned. Instead of unfollowing, you can mute their retweets only.
      Go to the list of accounts you’re following, click on the gear icon next to the user whose retweets you want to mute and choose “Turn Off Retweets.” For the example used below, you may want to go ahead and unfollow.

      Mood search – Find out negative or positive comments about you, your company, or someone or something in the news. Simply add the sad : ( – or happy : ) face.
      law firm : )
      Search your tweets – This is not unusual, but certainly useful. I only tweet out stuff I read or scan and find helpful or interesting, and occasionally I want to re-read or reference a link and need to search my Twitter feed. Here’s a Twitter search shortcut using “from:”
      from:tim_baran “working remotely”
      How many times a blog post or article was tweeted – Care to know how many times your blog post (or any web page) was tweeted? And who tweeted it? Simply enter the URL in the Twitter search box. If you want to see all tweets that contain links to your site, enter the top domain in the search box:
      Use Twitter Advanced Search for additional filters, including restrictions by date, location, and language.
      Retweeting Best Practices
      How to Find Lawyers and Legal Professionals to Follow on Twitter
      Effective Tweeting: A Twitter Checklist

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