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    Video from LegalTech 2010 New York: Cloud, Cloud, Cloud, and Gladwell


      Congratulations to ALM for putting on a fantastic and well-run event. LegalTech New York 2010 did not disappoint. West and Lexis put out major new product announcements with much fanfare. The thought leaders were there with interesting perspectives.

      We thank Sean Doherty for his time, and our mention in his wrap up, as well as Bob Ambrogi, who posted the full MP3 file of our interview on his blog. Back atcha Bob, you’re in part one of our LegalTech movie below! Also thanks to Ben Stevens, our good friend and user, for the birthday wishes on our two year anniversary.

      During the Malcolm Gladwell plenary session on Wednesday, Thompson West Global Strategist David Craig mentioned that enough information exists in our digital universe that, if printed in books, would extend out to PLUTO.

      So we decided to help push beyond the limits of our solar system by uploading several gigabytes of video to our new YouTube station. For now, enjoy Part 1 of “Ariel and Larry’s Excellent Adventures at LegalTech 2010.”

      In Part 1, we interview ALM editors Steve Salkin and Monica Bay at the ALM Editors and Bloggers Breakfasts. Bob Ambrogi and cutting edge legal tech consultant Jason Modler offer their perspectives as well.

      We also feature an unfortunate run-in with blue fortune cookies at the registration area.

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