Visit Rocket Matter At MILOfest 2011 in Orlando!
If you are a Mac-lovin’ Lawyer, then this is the event for you. MILOfest is one of the reasons we at Rocket Matter look forward to the month of November every year (well, besides Thanksgiving of course). This year, MILOfest is a little closer to home for us, in Orlando, at the beautiful Walt Disney World Coronado Springs Resort, and should be a blast! The show runs from this Thursday, Nov. 10th thru Saturday, Nov. 12th.
This year’s agenda sessions lineup features some great topics, like The Top 30 Utilities for Your Mac, iPad for Your Practice and PDF Magic. Rocket Matter co-founder Larry Port is also on the slate, presenting How to Work Like a Computer. In this thought-provoking session, Larry will explain how using principles of how a computer actually works can be extended to your practice and your life. This is a must-see session.
If you are going to be attending, we’d love for you to see Larry in action and to stop by our exhibit booth and say hi! We’ll be giving away some of our semi-famous slingshot Rockets, some Rocket T’s and some great advice on running your practice from your Mac, iPad or iPhone. Mac lovers rejoice, for this is truly your kind of event!
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