Webinar: Using iPads in Your Law Practice – 2014 Edition
Using iPads in Your Law Practice – 2014 Edition
The iPad is no longer just a content consumption device, suitable for surfing the web, playing games or watching movies. Now, lawyers are finding that the iPad is a serious productivity tool, and more and more lawyers are using it to take notes, review and store case files and documents, and even present evidence in trial.
When: Thursday, February 13, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Speaker: Tom Mighell, author of iPad in One Hour for Lawyers
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In the 2013 iPad webinar, Tom discussed ways lawyers can use the iPad in their legal practice, and the best apps and accessories for getting the job done. In this 2014 edition, Tom covers amazing apps in other areas just as important to lawyers: keeping up with the latest legal and other news, giving presentations and holding meetings, traveling, and more. Tom will also share tips and tricks on keeping your iPad secure, as well as some cool utilities your tablet should not be without.
About the Presenter:
Tom Mighell is a Senior Consultant with Contoural, Inc., where he helps companies deal with information governance, litigation readiness, and sensitive information control issues. Prior to becoming a consultant Tom was a trial lawyer for 18 years in Dallas. Tom is the author of iPad in One Hour for Lawyers, iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers, and iPad in One Hour for Litigators, all published by the American Bar Association.
Tom is the Co-Host of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, a legal technology podcast from the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center. He served four years on the ABA TECHSHOW Planning Board, and as Chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2008. He currently serves as Immediate Past Chair of the ABA’s Law Practice Management Section. Tom received his B.A. and J.D. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.
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