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    Wednesday Wisdom: Clients Can Now Pay Invoices Through Their Portal


      Rocket Matter’s recently released Portal 2.0 brought along some great features and new updates, including our LawPay* integration. Clients are now able to pay to their invoices directly through their portal.

      Working Smarter with Rocket Matter and LawPay*

      With your LawPay* credentials in hand, reach out to your friendly Rocket Matter Product Specialist, who will enable the LawPay* integration for you in a flash.
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      Sharing Invoices Easily

      Along with events and documents, invoices are easily be shared with clients through their unique portal in one of two ways.
      1. When creating a matter, you are directed to a page where you may choose billing method, statute of limitations, user access, etc. Now, you will also see the option to add portal users that you may automatically share invoices with.
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      Simply add the portal user’s name in the “who can receive invoices from this matter” field and press OK. When you go back into the Edit Matter page at a later time, each portal user you have listed will show whether they are successfully registered for the portal or if their invitation is pending.
      2. Another way to share an invoice is through the matter documents section. Once an invoice has been run, it will automatically be stored in that matter’s documents section. From there, you can share the invoice with the portal.
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      Using LawPay* to Receive Invoice Payments

      Once an invoice has been shared, the client is now free to pay directly through their portal using our seamless LawPay* integration. Clients can download and view invoices locally on their computer. The current balance owed is automatically updated.
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      From the right side of their portal, clients can click on the Pay Now button under their balance amount. This will direct them to enter their billing address and credit card information with the amount they would like to pay at that time. This allows the client to pay portions at a time as well.
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      Once the client pays any amount towards the invoice, the balance will appear in both the invoice description and in the Balance Due box.
      Within Rocket Matter, all payments will be automatically reflected on the matter ledger as “paid from portal.” No need for any extra steps here! View the matter ledger to note any payments made by date and description.
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      Simple As That!

      Rocket Matter and LawPay’s* integration for the portal makes invoicing clients and receiving payments a breeze! No unnecessary steps, no clunky instructions, and using the same security as your Rocket Matter account. With LawPay*, your Rocket Matter portal can increase your bottom line and ensure that your firm runs more efficiently!
      For additional resources, please feel free to visit our FAQ page.
      Want some live, interactive U.S.-based training? For all your Portal and LawPay* questions, join our free Portal webinar. You may register for this class, along with some other topics, here.

      *Integration fees may apply.

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