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    Wednesday Wisdom: Features and Benefits of Your Matter Calendar


      Most Rocket Matter users are familiar with our general calendaring system, which allows you to view your schedule, as well as everyone at the firm’s, at a quick glance. The calendar is easily accessible from your user dashboard, after you log in. You may not have noticed, however, that each of your matters has its own calendar that gives you a detailed view of what’s going on inside them.

      To access the matter calendar, go directly to the matter dashboard. Click view matter calendar on the right hand side of the screen, or view more calendar events, in the center of the screen, below the current events list. The matter calendar offers you anytime access to the following information:

      • A quick glance overview located under upcoming calendar events, from your matter dashboard.
      • A day by day look of both past and upcoming events associated with the matter (this provides a brief history of events that have occurred within the matter that you can access quickly, anytime).
      • Both a classic view and datebook view, just like our regular calendar.
      • Who is is and has been associated with the matter (this provides a great way of tracking resources assigned to to the matter over time).
      • A graduated color scale in the classic view that highlights the general activity level on that matter, by day (this feature will highlight and contrast days that are filled with matter related events, versus those that have none or relatively few).
      • The ability to drag and drop an event in the datebook view, just like the firm calendar (this feature allows you to move events and shorten or lengthen the times by simply clicking on the event, dragging and dropping with your mouse).

      Utilizing the full capabilities of your matter calendar will help you better manage your firm’s time and resources. With just a couple clicks of the mouse, you will be able to view what’s coming up, what’s already happened, and who’s involved.

      For more information on utilizing your matter calendar and all of Rocket Matter’s great features, see our online training webinar schedule. Our classes are designed to enable you to get the most from your Rocket Matter, on a daily basis.

      Not currently using Rocket Matter? Check out one of our online demonstration webinars, which are now available 5 days per week, to accommodate busy schedules. We invite you to learn more about how Rocket Matter can help you save time, bill more and increase your productivity!

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