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    Wednesday Wisdom: How Can I Check On Tasks For Other Users In My Firm?


      Monitoring tasks through Filter Mode can not only help you with your own tasks in Rocket Matter, but with those who have been assigned to various members of your firm.
      Suppose you wish to check on your assistant’s workload or to see how many current tasks you’ve assigned to others. Selecting and viewing specific tasks can be accomplished with just a few clicks:
      1. Click on Tasks in the navigation panel on the right side of your user dashboard. Your current tasks will automatically display (in Order Mode).

      2. Select Filter Mode instead. You’ll notice a set of radio buttons that allow you to see tasks displayed the following ways:

      • Created by me or assigned to me
      • Created by me and not assigned to others
      • Created by me and assigned to others
      • Custom (enables the user to see all tasks created by anyone and assigned to anyone in the firm)

      3. If you would like to see only those tasks that have due dates assigned to them, select Only w/ Due Dates.
      Below Common Tags, you’ll find a list of the firm’s most frequently used tags. Clicking on a tag here will bring you to a separate list of associated tasks.
      Periodically running task reports can help you keep tabs on what has been assigned to other users in the firm. You can manage workloads, ensure that projects get completed in a timely manner and see which matters others are actively working on.
      Not currently using Rocket Matter? Check out one of our online Rocket Demos, offered 5 days per week!

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