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    iPad App: iAnnotate – A Powerful PDF Tool for Lawyers


      iAnnotate is a powerful document mark-up and management app that allows users to annotate, manage and share PDF, DOC, PPT and image files.

      With iAnnotate, documents can be synced and imported from Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive or WebDAV, and other iOS apps.

      Once downloaded, the app includes numerous annotation tools including pen, highlighter, typewriter, stamp, straight-line, note, underline, strikeout, photo, voice recording, and date stamp. Locating these tools is easy and you can even customize the toolbar to include your most-used tools.

      Users are also given the option of saving and syncing their annotations to either the original document or to a copy of the document.

      The $9.99 iAnnotate iPad App (also available for Android devices) is particularly useful for lawyers. Jeff Richardson over at iPhone JD notes:

      “All federal court pleadings on PACER are in PDF format and many state courts are moving to PDF electronic documents, other counsel frequently send me files in PDF format, when I do legal research I download the cases in PDF format, exhibits are in PDF format…[and iAnnotate] seems to be the most powerful and sophisticated app that I’ve seen for working with PDF files on the iPad.”

      If you are looking for a powerful, comprehensive tool to annotate and review documents while on the go, iAnnotate is definitely worth the try.

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