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    Rocket Matter Training Via Twitter – Increasing Legal Productivity


      We’re embarking on a new experiment, using Twitter to train people how to increase their productivity with Rocket Matter!

      The idea is this:  Rocket Matter is easy to use.  But a lot of its productivity features go undiscovered.  So, using Twitter, we can send out the very basic instructions.  This way, in about 2 minutes someone can learn how to leverage some pretty powerful functionality that they may not have discovered yet.  Here’s a sample:

      Tweet 1:

      How to Mail Merge with Rocket Matter: 1) Open up your CRM and navigate to a contact. 2) Add a Tag to that contact ->

      Tweet 2:

      3) Using Search, navigate to the Tag results for your Tag. 4) Click Export to download a CSV of these contacts ->

      Tweet 3:

      5) Fire up Word and pick Mail Merge Mgr from Tools and 6) Select the CSV as your data source. Voila!

      Training Via Twitter, Online Videos, Training Tuesday Sessions, and each firm’s complimentary Rocket 101 session are four ways you can obtain FREE training for Rocket Matter! 

      If you’re not following us already, give us a read at  And if you want to find out more about using Twitter, check out our blog post for newbies.

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