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    Wednesday Wisdom: Utilizing the Document Assembly Feature-Part II


      Last week, we introduced creating your own basic templates in Word and merging fields from your Related Contacts and Data fields.

      This week, we will look at getting creative with your custom merge fields for contacts, which includes the role function. Naming your custom fields properly will help you create detailed, professional documents.

      Using our document assembly feature, you can create just about any type of letter or notice using the data you already have populated in Rocket Matter. Once you get going, you will be able to create and print these documents in a flash. This feature is perfect for the busy legal professional who needs to save time and effort here.

      To create custom merge fields for contacts, follow these steps:

      Legal Software

      1. Find your contact in the global search bar and enter their contact record.

      2. Click on Edit Related Contacts and Data.

      3. Click on Add Another here you will be able to add both a Label and a Value. You can really get creative here. Some examples of handy pairings  would be the label Social Security number and the actual number, driver’s license number and the corresponding number, or vehicle make/model and corresponding license plate number.

      4. For contacts, you can define a role and the merge field entry that Rocket Matter will pull from, in Microsoft Word®, would look like the following: Client.Role.MyField

      4. For data, you will create the label and value. The merge field entry in in Microsoft Word® would look like the following: Client.Custom.DateofBirth

      In Rocket Matter, there is no limit to the number of custom fields you can add. If you need the data, you can store it and access it all from your contact records and you can easily include it  in pre-populated fields in your custom documents. For more information, check out our Rocket Matter FAQ page.

      Next week, we will look into the final piece of the document assembly roadmap, creating custom merge fields for individual matters.

      For more information on document assembly and all of our great features, sign up here for one of our Rocket Matter training classes. We offer them 5 days a week, for convenience.

      Not currently using Rocket Matter? Try learning much more about how Rocket Matter can help you save time and bill more in your practice, by attending one of our online demonstration webinars. Again, we offer them 5 days a week to fit your busy schedule!

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