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    Free CLE Webinar – Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion


      Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion

      Host: Kendall Coffey, Coffey Burlington (Miami, Florida)
      When: Friday, January 28th at 12PM EST
      CLE Accreditation available in Florida
      Price: FREE
      Description: We’re completely stoked for this one! Former Southern District of Florida U.S. Attorney Kendall Coffey represented Al Gore in the 2000 election recount and the family of Elian Gonzalez, among many other high profile litigants. His new book – Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion (Prometheus Books, 2010 — with an introduction by Alan Dershowitz) provides unique guidance on navigating the media landscape that is essential for the modern litigator to understand.

      Attendees will learn:

      • The role of media spin in the American justice system.
      • How the trial of O.J. Simpson sparked a media revolution.
      • Why freedom of the press undermines the right to a fair trial.
      • Techniques for reducing the devastating impact of pretrial publicity.
      • How the cases of the 2000 election recount and Elian Gonzalez illustrate the power of a strong media message.
      • Why defense lawyers are the “underdogs” of the justice system and how you can change that.
      • Key media tactics used by the defense in the high-profile cases against Scott Peterson, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson and Martha Stewart.
      • Common myths about legal concepts and practices.
      • Best practices for legal spinners.
      • How the Internet is raising the bar for influencing public opinion.

      Join us for Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion

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