App of the Week: Voice Dream Reader – Listen to Text
“You know what? I can’t do this. I can’t read books anymore; books on tape have ruined me, Jerry.” – George Costanza
Seinfeld fans will easily recognize George’s quote. It’s from an episode two decades ago. And he had to engineer a failed eye test to qualify for “books on tape.” Now we have services like with over 100,000 audiobooks, available to anyone willing to shell out a few dollars.
But what if you’re at the gym or commuting to work and want to listen to other written materials – like an article, blog post or the E-Book you downloaded yesterday? Check out Voice Dream Reader, the voice-based mobile app that lets you listen to text.
Voice Dream Reader extracts text from files located in Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, Pocket and Instapaper and from PDF and Word documents. You can customize your audio playback with 78 voices in 20 languages available through in-app purchase.
Voice Dream Reader costs $9.99 and is available on iPhone and iPad devices.
Not sure if Voice Dream Reader is right for you? Try it for free by downloading Voice Dream Reader Lite which stops reading after a limited number of characters.
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