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    The Zen of Billing: How Rocket Matter Transforms Time Management

    The Zen of Billing How Rocket Matter Transforms Time Management

      Law isn’t exactly known as a low-stress career. No doctor would advise their patient, “You need to lower your blood pressure and learn some relaxation techniques. Have you tried practicing immigration law? Or what about family law litigation?” 

      Law is a high-demand field and often adversarial. Even under the most amicable circumstances, lawyers are under high pressure to execute client case matters effectively. One misplaced comma in a contract can mean the difference between success and failure for your clients. 

      When you dedicate all your time (and brain power) to your clients’ case matters, even minute challenges in other areas of your business can cause disproportionate stress.  

      Rocket Matter is dedicated to providing law firms with the tools they need to build a low-stress, high-efficiency billing strategy. Let’s look at the tools law firms can use today to alleviate the stress involved in billing, from workflow automations to intuitive billing processes. 

      Easy workflow automations lawyers can use to improve billing productivity 

      Efficient billing processes start well before you send a client their invoice. It starts with optimized workflows that take away busy work and open up more time for you to focus on clients in the first place.  

      Automate your time tracking to free up hours every week 

      Manual time tracking isn’t efficient. Maybe you record your time in a notebook, or maybe you jot it down on a random paper that you later spend 10 minutes trying to find.  

      Even if you have a unicorn-like efficient manual system, you still have to spend precious time re-recording your time in a billing system with the right client codes and a detailed description of your time. Let’s face it—at the end of the week, do you really remember how you spent 30 minutes on Monday? 

      An automated time tracker eliminates the potential for wasted time and actually helps you reclaim your time.  

      How does Rocket Matter's automated time-tracking feature contribute to reclaiming time for legal professionals? 

      Automated time tracking eliminates billing leakage and ensures that your invoices are accurate—all with less effort on your part.  

      With Rocket Matter Track, there’s no need to waste time on data entry. Automatically record your time as you work, and let the system attach your time to client codes for more accurate billing and matter records.  

      More accurate time tracking leads to more accurate billing, which speeds up the billing process and reduces client disputes. Lawyers can free up their minds to focus less on building client invoices and more on resolving their case matters. 

      Another way to look at it: automate tedious tasks + faster billing - client disputes = less workplace stress.  

      Optimize overall task management with Kanban Boards 

      Efficient billing starts with efficient systems.  

      If you don’t have a clear billing process, then you’ll spend hours every week reviewing statuses, following up with team members, and trying to sort out which tasks are more urgent.

      Demystifying the Billable Hour: How to Right-Size Your Rates

      With prices rising so much over the last year (global inflation is forecasted at 8.8% in 2022), it’s the right time to look at your current rates and see if you’re charging enough to remain profitable.


      How does Rocket Matter optimize billing management and enhance productivity for legal teams? 

      Optimizing your billing processes starts with finding the right way to look at your work—and we mean that literally.  

      One of Rocket Matter’s key productivity features is its Kanban boards. Kanban boards are a visual project management tool that enhances collaboration and tracking to improve overall productivity across legal teams. 

      Law firms can customize their Kanban boards depending on their needs, from client intake to matter workflows—and billing processes. A billing project board can have as many as five columns to track progress.  

      One way to set it up might be: 

      1. Drafting  
      2. Review  
      3. Approval  
      4. Sent  
      5. Paid 

      Team members can drag and drop tasks between columns to indicate a change in status, providing a bird’s eye view of case matter statuses to keep your team on the same page.  

      Learn more about making Kanban boards work for your law firm here. 

      Use remote work features to track time and expenses from anywhere 

      You don’t need to collect receipts in the bottom of your bag for weeks until you get to the office and then spend two hours filling out expense reports for costs you barely remember incurring. 

      Rocket Matter’s iPhone and Android-compatible software enables lawyers to track their time and expenses from anywhere, at any time.   

      Intuitive billing processes that give you back your time 

      Build more time into your month for things that matter with efficient billing processes. 

      Customizable invoice templates save you time and keep you on brand. 

      You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create invoices that work for your billing model. Rocket Matter’s billing processes can be customized to align with the unique needs of your law firm and your clients. 

      With customizable templates, you can create branded invoices that have everything you need, along with the ability to incorporate your law firm’s logo and other branding elements.  

      Use Rocket Matter’s flexible billing rates to configure hourly rates, flat fee billing, contingency, and scale fees for your client invoices. You can even set individual rates based on the level of matter management, such as associate or partner billable hours.  

      Save you and your clients time with online payments 

      Paper invoices may seem relatively simple, but the process of sending and receiving invoice payments via mail is rife with opportunities for errors or delays. It takes time (and money!) to print, review, address, stamp, and mail paper invoices, not to mention the time you wait for your clients to pay for their invoices via check—if they remember to pay at all. 

      However, Rocket Matter’s electronic billing, combined with Rocket Matter Pay, can turn your billing process into a model of efficiency. Rocket Matter Pay helps by offering: 

      • Client convenience features like secure client portals, recurring payments, payment plans, and stored cards of file.   
      • Transparent processing fees reduce the worry about busting your law firm’s budget each month.  
      • Speedy funding, with accounts receiving funding in as little as 12 hours. 
      • IOLTA-compliant accounting features to reduce your stress about ethics mishaps.  

      Explore the possibilities with Rocket Matter 

      Rocket Matter’s legal billing software is designed to make your life easier. Schedule a demo today to see how you can achieve new levels of zen with Rocket Matter.  

      Are there success stories or case studies showcasing how Rocket Matter's time-saving technology has transformed legal workflows for attorneys? 

      Don’t take our word for it—read about the real transformation that our customers have achieved in their business with Rocket Matter’s efficient billing software.  

      Demystifying the Billable Hour: How to Right-Size Your Rates

      With prices rising so much over the last year (global inflation is forecasted at 8.8% in 2022), it’s the right time to look at your current rates and see if you’re charging enough to remain profitable.

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