Our Blog Articles

Seth Rowland of TechnoLawyer Reviews Rocket Matter

Seth Rowland, a leading legal technology expert and President & Founder of Basha Systems, wrote…

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TechnoEsq Interviews Rocket Matter about SaaS Security

Finis Price from TechnoEsq stopped by the Rocket Matter booth at ABA Techshow and interviewed…

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Legal Business Development Through Writing

Operating out of South Florida, we often receive thought leaders visiting their parents. Such was…

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Excellent Design Counts in Legal Practice Management

One of Rocket Matter’s major differentiators over its competitors, both new and old, SaaS or…

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Rocket Matter Interviewed at ABA Techshow 2009 by LexConf

ABA TECHSHOW 2009 Interviews: Larry Port, Founding Partner at Rocket Matter LLC from LexConference on…

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Rocket Matter Announces the Addition of Document Storage to their Legal Productivity Tools

Rocket Matter® offers an easy-to-organize, secure, massive data storage tool as part of their Web-based…

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Connecticut Law Tribune covers Rocket Matter! Great Article on the history of Online Legal Productivity

Douglas S. Malan of the Connecticut Law Tribune wrote a fantastic piece on Rocket Matter….

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Using Twitter to build Dialog for Business and Celebrities

We’ve been enjoying the use of Twitter to put a personal and humorous touch to…

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The Importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM Systems) for Law Firms

Law.com’s Legal Technology blog recently featured a post about the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)…

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Legal Productivity: 10 Tips Gleaned from the Software Industry

Recently ILTA (International Legal Technology Association) published an article we wrote in their quarterly magazine…

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Rocket Matter Training Via Twitter – Increasing Legal Productivity

We’re embarking on a new experiment, using Twitter to train people how to increase their…

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Rocket Matter mentioned in MacLife Article: 1

We were excited to find out that Rocket Matter was mentioned in a MacLife feature…

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